Hiking Long Path Section 7
Yesterday we finished hiking Long Path section 7 and it was great. The scenery and views were beautiful and the wind was crisp. By the end of the hike we were two red faced hikers thinking about what we were going to eat when we got home.
Long Path Trail Section 7 Pictures
The Four Peeks
Section 7 of the Long Path starts in the woods on a straight dirt road. This quickly changes and you’re in the woods climbing up the rocks and telling your heart to calm down. At .83 miles way in, we were at the top of the cliff. In the middle of the rock there is a little section dedicated to Raymond Torrey and his contribution to The Long Brown Path.
After this, you go back down into the woods crossing over the stream a few times. Then you’re back to climbing up more hills. About 40 minutes after the first peek we were on the second one. There were not many views from this point but it was a good workout. Down the trail we went and back to crossing over streams and going up yet another hill. We had three deer watching us go up the steep climb. The views of the mountains were beautiful but it was too windy to enjoy for too long.
About 15 minutes later, we were crossing the street and going into the other forest. This was about four miles into our hike. Just crossing into the second forest the scenery and trail was different. It was less rockier and the climb to the forth peek was not too bad at all. After the peek we came to the intersection where the left shows the green Long Path trail and the right had a green and white trail marking. We were not sure where that went so we took the left path instead. Would be great if the plaque had more information or a map not just pieces of paper that say when the Long Path is open and closed to public.

Walking the Asphalt
About twenty minutes after the plaque signs, we were back down in the forest hiking by the highway. Ten minutes after that the trail goes into the old main road. A man was walking his dog and asked us where we were coming from. We chatted a little and he told us that he used to backpack in the Adirondacks back in the day. He also let us know that the view from the location wasn’t like that before. The view from this area looks into the Woodbury Outlets, which opened in 1985. We took a short break here, ate our candy and drank our Gatorade and got ready to walk the road.
I think every hiker hates to walk on road or asphalt. It hurts the feet and the back and I couldn’t stop myself from complaining. The nice part about the walk was that the area was quiet and we had no cars pass by until we got to Adams Rd, I believe.
After walking on the road for an hour, the trail goes back into the woods on a carriage/car road. This is where the gas pipes are buried and you’ll see some signs stating it so. The trail here is straight and easy until you come to the end. Instead of crossing over the steam (which we couldn’t) we followed the old path upwards. It takes you up the road, around a property and back down. We crossed the street and took our picture in front of Section 8 starting point. Then we continued up the road where our car was parked. Long Path section 7 was done and I was relieved.

Relive Video Edit Hiking Long Path Section 7
iPhone Video Clips from LP Section 7