HBTrails TRAIL-A-THON: 100 MILES FOR 100 YEARS Fundraiser

HBTrails TRAIL-A-THON: 100 MILES FOR 100 YEARS Fundraiser

If you’ve ever been on a NY-NJ trail, you should join the cause and support the Trail Conference. This is the organization that cleans, manages and protects our beloved trails. Without them, those trees would stay down, trash would accumulate everywhere, and there won’t be any signs showcasing the history of the trail. If you…

Completing our First HBTrails Triathlon
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Completing our First HBTrails Triathlon

I’ve seen a few triathlons in my life but never participated in one. Perhaps one day before my knees give out, we will give it a try. Today, my hubby decided two weeks of resting his ribs was enough and that we should do a hike. We got ready, filled our water bottles and grabbed…